HOW IT WORKS: It has almost been a decade and all of us at A110 Athletics have learned many valuable lessons. If you look at numbers, we have worked with over 3,000 parents and athletes and almost 100 coaches from all over the state of Minnesota. There is one common denominator in all this. Every single athlete gets in the car after a practice or game and usually the first words out of the parent(s) mouth is “HOW WAS IT?” and the #1 response is “good” and then the athlete grabs their phone and just zones out to YouTube, Snap, Instagram, or Twitter.

There are 2 sides of what will happen, some parents can not hold back, especially if the parent was watching the practice or game. The parent throws out a challenging thought or question a shift or play? Followed up with an opinion or a line up of frustrations. (Not really building athletes confidence are we?)

The second thing that could go down is the parent doesn’t know what to say, especially after a rough game or practice. There is truly a common denominator in all this and the answers have been summed up with our observations, phone interviews and athlete conversations.

Parents truly mean well, but they might need some coaching on building their mental muscle or toughness. Our 25+ years of experience will help you.

EVERY MONTH Parent product will be released September 1st, 2019 for $20/month*

Video Topic Examples:

  • Mental Muscle – yes for parents (Head Right/Say Right)
  • Consistent car rides either on your own or with athlete or athletes
  • Diffusing negativity and when to step in and stop.
  • Handling other parents (Your or that other teams loud mom or dad)
  • When to talk to the Coach?
  • The tryout process and how / why decisions are made
  • Coach/Board disagreements
  • Words in the stands (might write a book on this)
  • Early morning / late night practices
  • Asking for help

HOW IT WORKS: It has almost been a decade and all of us at A110 Athletics have learned many valuable lessons. If you look at numbers, we have worked with over 3,000 parents and athletes and almost 100 coaches from all over the state of Minnesota. There is one common denominator in all this. Every single athlete gets in the car after a practice or game and usually the first words out of the parent(s) mouth is “HOW WAS IT?” and the #1 response is “good” and then the athlete grabs their phone and just zones out to YouTube, Snap, Instagram, or Twitter.

There are 2 sides of what will happen, some parents can not hold back, especially if the parent was watching the practice or game. The parent throws out a challenging thought or question a shift or play? Followed up with an opinion or a line up of frustrations. (Not really building athletes confidence are we?)

The second thing that could go down is the parent doesn’t know what to say, especially after a rough game or practice. There is truly a common denominator in all this and the answers have been summed up with our observations, phone interviews and athlete conversations.

Parents truly mean well, but they might need some coaching on building their mental muscle or toughness. Our 25+ years of experience will help you.

EVERY MONTH Parent product will be released September 1st, 2019 for $20/month*

Video Topic Examples:

  • Mental Muscle – yes for parents (Head Right/Say Right)
  • Consistent car rides either on your own or with athlete or athletes
  • Diffusing negativity and when to step in and stop.
  • Handling other parents (Your or that other teams loud mom or dad)
  • When to talk to the Coach?
  • The tryout process and how / why decisions are made
  • Coach/Board disagreements
  • Words in the stands (might write a book on this)
  • Early morning / late night practices
  • Asking for help


Call Coach Mike for more information


*3 month minimum